How many times do you see Fragrance Free on a personal care products and its so inert and gooey with no value with a lot of iffy Chemicals listed. Adding to that, did you know that often fragrance is used to mask the formulas unpleasant ingredient odor.
Unfortunately the ingredient listed as Fragrance is a synthesize compound and can include up to 200+ chemicals. As a result fragrance has become an ingredient with a toxin value.Check Safe Cosmetics
We recommend that you download the App "Think Dirty". It was developed for Moms to shop wisely for personal care for their Children.
But "What About Us big Girls"? Raw Skin Care takes a hard look at product development because we formulate for healing and beauty. For Aroma and Fragrance sensitive and those who don't want fragrance,raw Skin care makes a Collection called Clear Nourishment and it is carried by the finest Wellness Spas in the USA.
We invite you to email us any question and requests for any skin care information, we will do our very best!